22 September 2012

Self Portraits

This week the children created self portraits.  First they used tracers to draw and cut out their faces and necks.  Then they cut eyes out of white paper and looked in the mirror for inspiration before adding details such as colour, lashes and brows. They drew noses and mouths and added personal touches likes glasses, rosy cheeks, and even a moustache!  The final step was painting their shoulders and decorating with buttons and fancy ribbons.  They sure were creative!  They made headbands, barrettes, ponytails, earrings, and even a neck tie. The portraits are smiling happily at us from above the chalkboard.  They turned out amazing and the resemblance of the portraits to the children is quite something.  Pop in and have a look!

The class is quite excited about the blog.  I was happy to hear many of the children were able to locate our class blog at home on their computers.  You can also access a computer at our school library or set up a time before or after school to view the blog on our classroom computer.  The children are really excited to share their learning.  We spent time on Friday learning about what a blog is and how it works on the smart board in the library.  The children were able to view the blog and see how to navigate their way around it.  Next week the children will learn to post and upload photos!  Stay tuned...

A quick reminder!   Monday, September 24th is a Professional Day.  There is NO school.  Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Russo

tracing time
decorating and personalizing
headbands, ponytails and necklaces
great hair
such detail...a purple bow to match the shirt and one white hair
glasses and lashes