28 September 2012

Inspired by a DREAM

This morning our school participated in the Terry Fox Run.  The kids were amazing! They showed determination, perseverance and courage, just like Terry. Together, our class ran a total of 48 laps!  One lap around the school and McLean Park was 1.4 km.  Our class alone ran 67.2 km.  Way to go boys and girls!  It was great to see some families out cheering the kids on today!  After recess the children drew pictures and wrote about the Terry Fox Run.


Taking a well deserved break after running.

Here is some of their writing from today.   Don't forget to click the photos to make them bigger!

I went to the Terry Fox Run.
I put the money in the jar for Terry Fox.
I was running with Mrs. Russo.
I put the penny in the jar.
Today I ran for Terry Fox.
We ran in the Terry Fox Run.  I went two times.  But first we had an assembly.
Terry Fox I love him.
Terry Fox Run at school.
We raised money for cancer and Terry Fox