14 March 2013

Strathcona Community Gardens

To wrap up our unit on Community we went on a neighbourhood field trip to visit the Strathcona Community Gardens.  It's just a ten minute walk from our school, right in the hustle and bustle of the big city.  On the walk there, we were looking for signs of spring and people growing food in their own front yards.  We saw homes, with small green spaces, growing food in beds and in containers.  When we arrived at the gardens Jody greeted us and took us on a wonderful tour of the gardens.  We learned a lot about growing food in the city.  Thanks Jody!  We'll definitely be back later this spring to see the gardens in bloom.  Click on the photos to view them larger!

Arriving at the gardens...
We tasted purple broccoli that Jody grew.
It was yummy! 
Walking through the gardens.
We learned about composting food scraps.
Dhakin helped empty scraps into the compost bin. 
Jody let us each plant one snap pea!
Alexandra planting her pea seed.

Heading into the greenhouse for cover!  Snack time.
New plants growing in the greenhouse.

Vienna biting into her apple.  After a healthy snack we put our apple cores, banana peels and orange peels into the compost bin!
They even have a composting toilet.
The compost is cleaned out and used to fertilize the apple trees.
Spinach grown through winter.
Check out the Strathcona Community Gardens website to learn more about growing food in your community, composting and gardening.
